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Long Escalator in Prague Kobylisy Metro Station

Photo of the long escalator in Kobylisy Metro Station in Prague. Why this station is not like the typical deep metro station in Prague.  See more

Prague Tram at Smetanovo Nabrezi in Winter

Picture of a traditional Prague tram at Smetanovo Nabrezi (near Charles Bridge). Information about Smetanovo Nabrezi and Prague trams.  See more

Tram Stop at Namesti Republiky in Prague

Picture from Namesti Republiky in Prague in winter. Tram stop covered by snow. Namesti Republiky is located at the eastern border of Prague Old Town.  See more

Taxi in Prague: Prices, Risks, and Tips

Bad reputation of Prague taxi drivers Overcharging tourists. Speeding and dangerous driving. Being rude. Not speaking English. Prague taxi drivers have not been among the things Prague is proud of. ...  See more

How to Get from Holesovice Train Station to Florenc Bus Station

Holesovice Station to Florenc Station connection The train station Praha-Holesovice is one of the biggest railway stations in Prague. In long-distance rail travel it is especially important for passengers travelling ...  See more

Getting from Holesovice Train Station to Prague Congress Centre

How to get from Holesovice Train Station to Prague Congress Centre? Holesovice Train Station (Nadrazi Holesovice) is the second most important train station in Prague (after the Main Train Station). ...  See more