How to Get from Holesovice Train Station to Florenc Bus Station

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Holesovice Station to Florenc Station connection

The train station Praha-Holesovice is one of the biggest railway stations in Prague. In long-distance rail travel it is especially important for passengers travelling from and to destinations located to the north-west of Prague, for example Dresden or Berlin.

Florenc Station is one of the most important intersections of both local and long-distance bus traffic in Prague. If you travel by bus from Prague to some other big European city, you most likely depart from the Florenc International Bus Terminal.

It is very easy to get from Holesovice Station to Florenc. The two stations are directly connected with metro.

How to get from Holesovice to Florenc by metro

Both Holesovice and Florenc are situated on the metro line C (red colour line). The metro station names are obvious: Nadrazi Holesovice (nadrazi means train station in Czech) and Florenc. The two metro stations are just two stops from one another and the metro ride takes less than 5 minutes. The metro operates from about 5 am to midnight every day.

Metro is better than taxi between Holesovice and Florenc

During the day, travelling from Holesovice Station to Florenc Station by metro is far better than taxi, which would have to go on a busy and often congested main Prague north-south street.

Going to Main Train Station may be better

If you are arriving to Prague by train, note that trains which stop at Holesovice Station usually continue to the Main Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi), which is located closer to Florenc Station and also to Prague city centre, so you may prefer to get off there.

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