Hotels near Parizska Street in Prague

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Here you can quickly search hotels in Prague Old Town directly in Parizska Street or in nearby streets and locations. You can also display hotels map of Parizska Street surroundings:

Parizska Street in Prague Old Town

Parizska Street (which means Paris Street in Czech) is one of the most prominent and expensive addresses in Prague. It goes from Old Town Square (the heart of Prague’s historical centre) to the bank of the Vltava River (namely Cech Bridge). The historical houses in Parizska Street are mostly home to fashion, jewellery, and other upscale shops and boutiques. There are also several excellent (and quite highly priced) restaurants in Parizska Street.

Hotels in Parizska Street

At one end of Parizska Street just next to Cechuv Most (Cech Bridge) there is Prague InterContinental Hotel. Build decades ago, this 5 star hotel has been a symbol of luxury and outstanding hospitality services in Prague. Another good hotel – with very positive guest review ratings and references – is the 4 star hotel MyHouse Apartments in Maiselova Street, which is a small quiet street parallel to Parizska.

Hotels near Parizska Street

More hotels than in Parizska Street directly can be found in other nearby streets. At the southern end of Parizska Street there is Old Town Square with many tourist attractions like Tyn Church or Prague Astronomical Clock. Adjacent to Parizska Street there is Prague Jewish Quarter with the famous Old Jewish Cemetery and several synagogues. Parizska Street is also close to Charles Bridge, Rudolfinum Concert Hall, or Namesti Republiky (another popular hotel district, especially for 5 star hotels).

The metro station closest to Parizska Street is Staromestska (Old Town Station) in Kaprova Street.

Prague Parizska Street hotel booking

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