Hotels near Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague

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Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague Old Town

Prague’s Rudolfinum is one of the finest concert halls in Europe and home stage to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Visitors to Prague know Rudolfinum mostly as the venue of classical music concerts of composers like Dvorak, Janacek, or Smetana. Rudolfinum’s Dvorak Hall has traditionally been one of the central stages of Prague Spring International Music Festival (Prazske Jaro), which takes place in Prague every year. The building also houses Rudolfinum Gallery (Galerie Rudolfinum), a gallery of mostly modern art.

Hotels close to Prague Rudolfinum Hall

Rudolfinum is located next to Manesuv Most (Manes Bridge) at Namesti Jana Palacha (Jan Palach Square) on the right bank of the Vltava River in Prague Old Town. It is immediately next to the Old Jewish Cemetery and Jewish Quarter, as well as several university buildings. There are many hotels around Rudolfinum Concert Hall. This area – Prague Old Town – is the most popular tourist district in the city, although the streets near Rudolfinum are considerably quieter than the main trail between Old Town Square and Charles Bridge. Most hotels near Rudolfinum have 3 to 5 stars, with 4 star hotels being the most typical.

More hotel locations near Rudolfinum in Prague city centre

Hotels in Lesser Quarter and near Prague Castle

Rudolfinum Concert Hall is only across the river from Lesser Quarter, another beautiful historical district with many hotels, restaurants, churches, and palaces (and government buildings and embassies). Prague Castle is about 10-15 minutes walk from Rudolfinum, behind Lesser Quarter.

Hotels near Namesti Republiky

Another good location for accommodation in the historical centre of Prague is the area around Namesti Republiky (a square and metro station on line B), especially for 5 star hotels. Namesti Republiky is also great for shopping, nightlife, and public transport connections. The Municipal House at Namesti Republiky is another centre of classical music concerts in Prague.

Hotels close to metro stations near Rudolfinum

The metro station closest to Rudolfinum is Staromestska (Old Town Station), just around the corner in Kaprova Street, on the way to Old Town Square. Staromestska tram stop is in Krizovnicka Street, visible from Rudolfinum entrance. Another metro station very close to Rudolfinum is Malostranska (Lesser Quarter Station) on the other end of Manes Bridge in Klarov.

Prague Rudolfinum hotel booking

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