Prague Jewish Quarter Hotels

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Jewish Quarter in Prague Old Town

Jewish Quarter is located in Prague Old Town in the administrative part Josefov. All places in Prague Jewish Quarter are within 5-10 minutes from Old Town Square and Charles Bridge. Top landmarks and tourist attractions in Prague Jewish Quarter include the Old Jewish Cemetery, Old New Synagogue, Prague Jewish Museum, Jewish Town Hall, Spanish Synagogue, and the birthplace of Franz Kafka. Major streets in and near Prague Jewish Quarter include 17. listopadu (17 November; the main street with trams), Siroka, Parizska (the famous shopping street), and Bilkova Street. The nearest metro station is Staromestska, one block from Old Jewish Cemetery in Kaprova Street.

Hotels in Prague Jewish Quarter

There are only a few hotels directly in the streets of Jewish Quarter, but you will find dozens of hotels within 3-5 minutes walk from Jewish Quarter in the Old Town. Prague Old Town is actually quite small (easy to walk from one end to another in 15 minutes). Most popular streets and hotel locations in Prague Old Town include Old Town Square, the adjacent Little Square (Male Namesti) and the main path between Old Town Square and Charles Bridge (especially Karlova Street).

5 star hotels near Prague Jewish Quarter

There are two big 5 star hotels near Cech Bridge (Cechuv Most) at the bank of the Vltava River on the northern end of Jewish Quarter: Hotel InterContinental Prague in Parizska Street and President Hotel at Namesti Curieovych (square) in Na Frantisku.

Hotel on a boat (botel) near Prague Jewish Quarter

If you want a less usual and stylish accommodation in Prague, find a place to stay directly on the Vltava River. There is a botel (hotel on a boat) anchoring off the shore of Jewish Quarter and Dvorakovo Nabrezi (Dvorak Embankment), near Cech Bridge. The hotel’s name is Florentina Boat and it’s classified as a 3 star hotel. You can see photos, reviews, and room rates here.

Hotels close to Prague Jewish Quarter and Old Town

Other popular hotel locations near Prague Jewish Quarter are Namesti Republiky (5-8 minutes walk to the east), Wenceslas Square (about 5 minutes walk from Old Town Square), and Lesser Quarter (another historical part of Prague, located on the other bank of the river under Prague Castle).

Prague Jewish Quarter hotel booking

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