Old Town hotels

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Hotels near Mustek Metro Station in Prague

Hotels near Mustek Metro Station at the bottom of Wenceslas Square in Prague. Close to Old Town and Na Prikope Street.  See more

Wenceslas Square Hotels

Hotels at Prague Wenceslas Square basic info and tips. Accommodation in Prague city centre from budget to 5 star hotels. Easy online booking.  See more

Hotels near Prague Castle

Accommodation near Prague Castle. Hotels in Lesser Quarter (Mala Strana) and Old Town in Prague. Information, tips, and online booking.  See more

Hotels near Charles Bridge in Prague

Accommodation options near the Charles Bridge in Prague. Hotels in Prague Old Town and Lesser Quarter. Information, tips, and online booking.  See more

Hotels in Prague Old Town

Accommodation in Prague Old Town from budget hotels to luxury. See Prague Old Town map, guest reviews, and photos. Easy booking.  See more

Prague Old Town Square Hotels

Hotels at and near Old Town Square in Prague. Accommodation in the middle of the medieval town. Tips, links, and easy online booking.  See more

Prague Hotels Map

This Prague hotels map, powered by Google Maps, displays icons of hotels, landmarks, and important places in Prague. Show details by clicking on the icons.  See more

Hotels Map of Prague

Interactive map of Prague hotels based on Google Maps, with added icons of hotels and tourist attractions. Room rates and booking available directly from the map.  See more