Hotels near Prague Masaryk Train Station (Masarykovo Nadrazi)

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Masarykovo Nadrazi (Masaryk Train Station) in Prague

Masarykovo Nadrazi (Masaryk Train Station), named after the first President of Czechoslovakia Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, is a smaller railway station in Prague city centre, very close to Prague Main Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi). Masaryk Station is mainly the terminal station of numerous regional train lines. The railway station is connected to the nearby metro station Namesti Republiky (line B) and also has tram connections to all parts of Prague. Important streets near Masaryk Train Station include Havlickova, V Celnici, Hybernska, and Na Porici.

Hotels close to Masaryk Railway Station

5 star hotels near Masaryk Station and Namesti Republiky

The area around Masaryk’s Station and Namesti Republiky is one of the most presigeous hotel locations in Prague. The concentration of 5 star hotels in the nearby streets is high: Prague Marriott Hotel and Hotel Hilton Prague Old Town in V Celnici Street, Kempinski Prague Hotel in Hybernska Street, or Art Deco Imperial Hotel in Na Porici Street. All these 5 star hotels are within 3 minutes walk from Masaryk Train Station (though obviously most of their guest don’t arrive by train).

More 5 star hotels can be found at Namesti Republiky: the recently renovated hotel Kings Court in one of the dominant buildings at Namesti Republiky and the traditional Hotel Paris, built in 1904 in Neo-Gothic style next to the Municipal House.

4 star hotels, 3 star hotels, and cheaper hotels near Masaryk Station

Besides the luxury hotels, there are of course several good and more affordable 4 star and 3 star hotels near Namesti Republiky and Masaryk Train Station. The nearest hotel is the 3 star City Inn Hotel in Hybernska Street, adjacent to Masaryk Train Station building, where room rates start as low as 30-40 euros per night.

If you are looking for very cheap hotels or hostels, keep in mind that the area around Masaryk Train Station is part of Prague inner city and not really a cheap hotel district. For budget accommodation, you can try the nearby Florenc Station.

Other hotel locations near Prague Masaryk Station

Masaryk Train Station is within easy walking distance from Prague Old Town, which in fact starts already at Namesti Republiky. It takes about 5-10 minutes from Masarykovo Nadrazi to Old Town Square and another 5-10 minutes to the Charles Bridge.

If you take Hybernska Street to the building of Czech National Bank, you will come to Na Prikope Street, the most exclusive shopping street in Prague, and evenitually after about 5-10 minutes to Wenceslas Square (alternatively, you can take the metro one stop to Mustek Station, at the bottom of Wenceslas Square).

Prague Masaryk Train Station hotel booking

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