Hotels near Prague Main Train Station

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Book a hotel near Prague Main Railway Station

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Prague Main Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi)

Prague Central Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi) is located in the city centre, within easy walking distance from Wenceslas Square, Namesti Republiky, and Prague Old Town. Major streets close to Prague Main Train Station include Wilsonova, Opletalova, Washingtonova, Bolzanova, and Senovazne Namesti. There is a park in front of the train station entrance (Vrchlickeho Sady). The metro station (Hlavni Nadrazi on line C) is located directly inside the train station’s terminal building.

Hotels close to Prague Main Railway Station

Most hotels near Prague Main Train Station are located either in the direction towards Wenceslas Square (in Opletalova or Washingtonova Street) or in the direction towards Prague Old Town (at Senovazne Namesti or in Hybernska Street). Far fewer hotels can be found on the other side, outside the inner city in Zizkov district. A hotels map of Main Train Station surroundings is available here:

Other hotel locations near Prague Main Train Station

There are several other popular hotel locations within 10 minutes walk or less from Prague Main Railway Station.

Hotels near Wenceslas Square

If you follow the main street to the south, you will soon come to Prague State Opera, National Museum, and Wenceslas Square – the most important square in Prague with plenty of shops, restaurants, and good nightlife.

Hotels near Namesti Republiky and Prague Old Town

Another place with many accommodation options is the area around Namesti Republiky and V Celnici Street – a rather upscale hotel district with several outstanding 5 star hotels (including Hilton Prague Old Town or Prague Marriott). If you continue beyond Namesti Republiky, you are already in Prague Old Town, which of course is the prime hotel location in the city.

Hotels near Praha-Florenc Station

If you are looking for cheap hotels, you can try Florenc Station (Prague Central Bus Station), one metro stop from Hlavni Nadrazi – although Florenc has its share of luxury hotels too (e.g. another Hilton).

Booking Prague Main Train Station hotels

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