Hotels near Palladium Shopping Centre in Prague

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Palladium Shopping Centre at Namesti Republiky

Palladium Shopping Centre (Obchodni Centrum Palladium) is a relatively new, large commercial centre at Namesti Republiky in Prague city centre. It is located between Na Porici and Truhlarska streets, facing another (much older) shopping centre, Kotva. Palladium is only a few steps from Prague Old Town and several landmarks and remarkable buildings, including Prague Stock Exchange, Czech National Bank, Municipal House, or Powder Gate. The shopping centre has direct indoor link to Namesti Republiky Metro Station.

Hotels close to Palladium Shopping Centre in Prague

The concentration of hotels around Palladium Commercial Centre is among the highest in Prague. Several luxury 5 star hotels can be found in V Celnici Street, at Namesti Republiky, and in the streets behind the square in Prague Old Town. There are also several good 3 star and 4 star hotels, for example in Rybna Street (behind Kotva in the Old Town) or in the streets between Palladium and Florenc Station.

More hotel locations near Palladium Commercial Centre

Palladium Shopping Centre is only about 5 minutes walk from Old Town Square, which is the central point of Prague Old Town, a popular tourist and hotel district. Another popular hotel location is Wenceslas Square, about 10 minutes walk from Palladium at the other end of Na Prikope Street (a big shopping street).

Palladium Shopping Centre hotel booking

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