Hotels near Czech National Bank in Prague

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Book a hotel near Czech National Bank HQ

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Czech National Bank (CNB) Headquarters in Prague

Czech National Bank (Ceska Narodni Banka or CNB) is the central bank of the Czech Republic. Its main building is located in Prague city centre near Namesti Republiky (the nearest metro station), at the corner of Na Prikope Street (a well-known shopping street) and Senovazna Street. The main entrance of Czech National Bank building faces Prague Municipal House and Powder Gate. There is another entrance on the other side at Senovazne Namesti (near Jindrisska tram stop). Czech National Bank building is also very close to Prague Stock Exchange (at the other end of Namesti Republiky).

Hotels close to Czech National Bank

Namesti Republiky, Na Prikope Street, and other streets around Czech National Bank (especially the streets between CNB and Old Town Square) are among the most exclusive hotel locations in Prague. There is a high concentration of 5 star hotels and good quality 4 star hotels near Czech National Bank. You can find more details and tips regarding individual hotels and locations here: Hotels near Namesti Republiky.

Other hotel areas near Czech National Bank

Czech National Bank building is situated at the border of Prague Old Town and only 5 minutes walk from Old Town Square (Celetna Street connects the two places directly). At the other end of Na Prikope Street there is the other of the two most important squares in Prague (and another very popular hotel location), Wenceslas Square.

Prague Czech National Bank hotel booking

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