Hotels near Prague Stock Exchange

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Book a hotel near Prague Stock Exchange

You can sort or filter the hotels by price, guest review rating, distance from Namesti Republiky (the square near Prague Stock Exchange Palace), and several other criteria:

Prague Stock Exchange Palace (Burzovni Palac)

The seat of Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) is the Stock Exchange Palace (Burzovni Palac) in Rybna Street, at the border of Prague Old Town. Besides the stock exchange, the Stock Exchange Palace houses corporate offices and shops. It has an indoor passage to Kotva Shopping Centre and Namesti Republiky (Square of the Republic), which is also the nearest metro station. Prague Stock Exchange is very close to Czech National Bank, Municipal House, Powder Gate, and also within easy walking distance (5 minutes) from Old Town Square.

Hotels close to Prague Stock Exchange

The area around Namesti Republiky and Prague Stock Exchange is one of the best hotel districts in Prague. There are many 5 star hotels, some owned by international hotel chains and some local jewels. More affordable hotels can also be found in the streets near Prague Stock Exchange. Here you can see more details and tips about hotels near Namesti Republiky.

Other hotel areas near Prague Stock Exchange

Prague Old Town, which actually starts at Namesti Republiky, is one big hotel district. Hotels in Old Town always rank high on atmosphere and are close to most Prague’s tourist attractions (unfortunately many of them also rank high on prices).

Another popular hotel area is Wenceslas Square (10 minutes walk from Prague Stock Exchange), which is more modern and has many shops and vibrant nightlife.

If you are looking for a cheap hotel outside the busy areas, you can try one of the side streets around Florenc Metro Station (1 metro stop from Namesti Republiky).

Prague Stock Exchange hotel booking

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