Hotels near Golden Lane and Prague Castle

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Book a hotel near Prague Golden Lane now

You can sort or filter the hotels by several criteria, including room rate, number of stars, guest review rating, or distance from Prague Castle (Golden Lane is inside Prague Castle):

Golden Lane at Prague Castle

Golden Lane (Zlata Ulicka) is a narrow street along the easternmost section of the northern wall of Prague Castle. The characteristic small coloured houses in Golden Lane represent one of the most typical pictures of Prague and one of its most popular tourist attractions. Prague Castle is situated on a hill overlooking Prague city centre, between the districts of Lesser Quarter and Hradcany. The metro station closest to Golden Lane and Prague Castle is Malostranska (Lesser Quarter Station).

Prague Golden Lane hotels

There are no hotels in Golden Lane directly (because it is part of Prague Castle), but you will find plenty of accommodation options in the streets near Golden Lane and Prague Castle. Lesser Quarter district is a popular place to stay and a good alternative to Prague Old Town (mostly a bit quieter, but with equally charming historical atmosphere). The majority of hotels near Prague Golden Lane range from 3 star to 5 star hotels, with 4 star hotels being the most typical. Room rates are similar to the Old Town.

Other hotel locations near Golden Lane and Prague Castle

Golden Lane, Prague Castle, and Lesser Quarter are very close to Prague Old Town – just walk over the Charles Bridge. You can find many hotels near Old Town Square and Staromestska (Old Town) Metro Station. Not far from Old Town Square there is another area popular for shopping, restaurants, and hotels – Mustek Metro Station and the bottom end of Wenceslas Square. Other good hotel locations are the metro stations Muzeum (National Museum), Namesti Republiky, and Florenc.

Prague Golden Lane hotel booking

Many hotels near Golden Lane and Prague Castle are often fully booked. It is recommended to book accommodation early, especially if you are not flexible with dates of your visit to Prague.

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