Hotels near Prague Letnany Shopping Centre

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Prague Letnany Shopping Centre

Letnany Shopping Centre (Obchodni Centrum Letnany or OC Letnany) is one of the largest shopping centres in Prague. It is located in Letnany district, next to the junction of two major roads, namely Kbelska Street and Liberecka Street (which becomes highway D8 shortly after passing Letnany). Important places near Letnany Shopping Centre include PVA Expo Praha (Letnany Exhibition Centre), Letnany Lagoon (aquapark), and two small non-public airports, Praha-Letnany Airport and Praha-Kbely Airport.

Hotels close to Letnany Shopping Centre

Although Letnany Shopping Centre is quite far from the tourist areas in Prague city centre, you can find several good hotels in Letnany and the nearby districts (such as Prosek, Strizkov, or Kobylisy). Hotels near Letnany have from 2 to 4 stars.

Letnany Shopping Centre public transport connections

As a big shopping centre, Letnany is well connected to Prague public transport network. There are free shuttle buses from Letnany Shopping Centre to several nearby metro stations (Letnany, Strizkov, or Ladvi) and paid ordinary buses to other locations (the free buses depart from the car parking place behind the shopping centre, while the paid buses stop in Tupolevova Street near the main entrance). It takes about 30 minutes to get from Letnany to the inner city (to popular tourist and hotel locations such as Florenc, Wenceslas Square, or Old Town).

Prague Letnany hotel booking

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