Hotels near Letnany Metro Station in Prague

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Book a hotel near Prague Letnany Station now

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Letnany Metro and Bus Station in Prague

Letnany Station is the teminal station of metro line C. It is located quite far from Prague city centre, although you can easily get there with the metro (about 15 minutes to Florenc or Wenceslas Square). There is also a big shopping centre in Letnany (quite far to walk, but there is a free shuttle bus from the metro station). There are two small (non-public) airports near Letnany Station: Letnany Airport and Kbely Airport. Kbely is a military airport and there is also a military aviation museum in Kbely (Letecke Muzeum Kbely).

But overall, the area around Letnany Station is mostly residential. It is a kind of place where Prague ends and various villages and suburbs start. If you don’t like big cities but still want to stay within easy reach of Prague city centre, you might like it in Letnany.

Hotels near Letnany Station

There are very few hotels in immediate proximity of Letnany Station, though there are some near Prosek or Strizkov metro stations (1 and 2 stops from Letnany, respectively). If you choose to stay here, make sure to book your hotel well in advance, because the number of hotels is really very limited.

Popular hotel locations in Prague with easy access to Letnany

Most hotels are naturally located in Prague city centre. Thanks to the metro, it takes only some 15 minutes to get to popular tourist and hotel areas, e.g. Florenc Metro Station (Prague Main Bus Station), Hlavni Nadrazi (Prague Main Train Station), or Muzeum Station (National Museum and Wenceslas Square).

Prague Letnany Station hotel booking

Many hotels in Prague are often fully booked, especially in the summer season, on weekends, around public holidays, and on various sports or culture events. It is highly recommended to book accommodation well in advance. Keep in mind that hotel capacities near Letnany Station are extremely limited.

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