Hotels near Prosek Metro Station in Prague

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Prague Prosek Station

Prosek is the penultimate station of metro line C in the northern part of Prague (Prosek district). Neighbouring metro stations are Letnany (terminus) and Strizkov. Prosek Station is located in a mostly residential area at the crossing of Vysocanska and Prosecka Street. Important places near Prosek Station include PVA Letnany Exhibition Centre and The Institute of History of Czech Academy of Sciences (Historicky Ustav Akademie Ved CR).

Hotels close to Prosek Station

There are not many hotels near Prosek Metro Station, as the place is not a typical tourist area. Some hotels are situated in Prosecka Street within 5-7 minutes walk from Prosek Station.

Hotels on Prague metro line C near Prosek

You will find more hotels near the other stations on metro line C. In general, the closer to the city centre you get, the better selection of hotels (though sometimes also higher room rates). Several good hotels can be found near Kobylisy Station (3 stops from Prosek) and Nadrazi Holesovice (4 stops). There are much more hotels near the stations in Prague centre, namely Florenc (6 stops from Prosek Station), Hlavni Nadrazi (7 stops), and Muzeum Station (8 stops). You can get from Prosek to Muzeum in about 14 minutes by metro.

Prague Prosek hotel reservation

Make sure you book your accommodation in advance. Many hotels in Prague are often fully booked, especially in the peak summer tourist season, around public holidays, and on some weekends. Keep in mind that hotel capacities are very limited near Prosek Station.

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