Hotels near Strizkov Metro Station in Prague

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Prague Strizkov Station

Strizkov Station on metro line C is located in the district of Prosek in the north part of Prague. Adjacent metro stations are Prosek Station and Ladvi Station. There is a park stretching from Strizkov Station to Prosek Station: Park Pratelstvi (Park of Friendship). Strizkov is the closest metro station to Prague Letnany Shopping Centre (OC Letnany). Streets close to Strizkov Station include Vysocanska Street, Liberecka Street, and Strelnicna Street.

Hotels close to Strizkov Metro Station

The area near Strizkov Stration is a typical Prague residential district. There are a few hotels close to Strizkov Station, but the selection is very limited. Use the following link to see hotels near Strizkov Station. You can sort the hotels by price, distance from the station, number of stars, or guest review rating. You can also display Strizkov and Prosek hotels map:

Hotels on Prague metro line C closer to city centre

Strizkov hotels have 2 to 4 stars – if you want a 5 star hotel or hostel, you need to get closer to the city centre. The widest choice of hotels on metro line C is of course in the very centre of Prague: Florenc Station (Prague Central Bus Station), Hlavni Nadrazi (Main Train Station), and Muzeum Station (National Museum and Wenceslas Square). These stations are 5-7 stops from Strizkov (about 9-12 minutes). You can also find some hotels near Kobylisy Station (2 stops from Strizkov) or Nadrazi Holesovice (3 stops), though the number hotels there is not much higher than in Strizkov.

Booking Prague Strizkov Station hotels

Because of the limited hotel capacities in this part of Prague, it is recommended to book well in advance. In Prague city centre, tourist demand and hotel availability fluctuate during the year. In the peak times (mainly summer or public holidays), advance booking is necessary.

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