Hotels near Prague Zoo in Troja

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Prague Zoo in Troja

The world-class award-winning zoo in Troja is one of Prague’s top landmarks. It is situated in a beautiful area on the slopes and rocks overlooking the Vltava River in the northern end of Prague. Prague Zoo is located in Troja district next to Troja Castle (Trojsky Zamek) and Prague Botanical Gardens. Troja is very laid-back, very green, and quiet part of Prague – one of the best locations to live. But, given the residential nature of the district, there are no hotels directly close to the Zoo in Troja.

Hotels near Prague Troja Zoo

The hotels closest to Prague Zoo you can find are those next to Stromovka, a very large park on the other side of the river in Holesovice district (there is a pedestrian bridge near the zoo). There are several hotels around Prague Holesovice Expo (Vystaviste). This is a great location with frequent tram services to Prague Old Town, while still within easy walking distance to Troja and Prague Zoo.

Other good hotel locations near Prague Zoo

In Holesovice, there are also a few hotels near Nadrazi Holesovice Metro Station (the station closest to Prague Zoo with frequent bus connections to the Zoo – bus number 112). This station is only 2 metro stops from Florenc (Prague Central Bus Station and a very popular hotel area), 3 stops from Main Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi Metro Station, walking distance from Old Town), and 4 stops from Wenceslas Square (Muzeum Station).

Prague Zoo hotel booking

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