Hotels near Prague Chodov Shopping Centre

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Chodov Shopping Centre in Prague

Chodov Shopping Centre (Centrum Chodov or OC Chodov) is one of Prague’s largest shopping centres. It is situated next to the highway to Brno (D1, named Brnenska Street here) in Jizni Mesto, a densely populated residential district in the southern part of Prague. Chodov Shopping Centre has its own exit from the highway and also direct access to Chodov Station on metro line C (it takes about 15 minutes from Chodov to the city centre by metro). There is another, smaller and older shopping centre right next to Centrum Chodov, named Obchodni Centrum Ruze (Rose Shopping Centre).

Hotels near Chodov Shopping Centre in Prague

There are only a few hotels close to Chodov Shopping Centre. The location is too far from the city centre to walk, but has convenient and fast access thanks to metro (or night buses at night). Big advantage of Chodov as a place to stay is that room rates in Chodov hotels are usually much lower compared to the popular districts in Prague city centre (one night in a 3 star or 4 star hotel starts at EUR 20-30). Here you can search hotels near Chodov Centre and display a hotel map of the area:

Hotels in Prague city centre with good access to Chodov

If you prefer to stay closer to the city centre and have good connection to Chodov Shopping Centre, it is best to choose a hotel near one of the stations on metro line C. All the stations on line C in Prague city centre have wide choices of accommodation – among the most popular locations are Muzeum Station (the top end of Wenceslas Square, next to National Museum), Hlavni Nadrazi (Prague main train station), and Florenc (main bus station; several 5 star hotels as well as budget hotels in its surroungings).

Hotels on metro line C between Chodov and city centre

Another alternative is to find a hotel on the way from Chodov to the city centre. There are several stations on line C with very nice neighbourhoods and good hotels (the concentration of hotels is usually a bit higher than around Chodov, but still much lower compared to the centre). Nice places to stay include Vysehrad (High Castle and Prague Congress Centre), Pankrac (a business hub), and Budejovicka (only very few hotels, but another shopping centre, 3 stops from Chodov).

Prague Chodov Shopping Centre hotel booking

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