Hotels near Chodov Metro Station in Prague

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Prague Chodov Station

Chodov is a station on metro line C in the district of Chodov, which together with nearby areas forms the so called Jizni Mesto (South City), a large densely populated residential part of Prague. Neighbouring metro stations are Roztyly Station and Opatov Station. There is a big shopping centre (Obchodni Centrum Chodov) directly accessible from Chodov Station. Major streets near Chodov Station include Roztylska Street, U Kunratickeho Lesa, and Pod Chodovem.

Hotels close to Chodov Metro Station

Chodov is a residential district, located quite far from the city centre, and few tourists come here. Therefore the number of hotels near Chodov Station is quite limited, although you can find several 2 star, 3 star, and 4 star hotels within 10 minutes walking distance from Chodov Station. If you want a hostel or a 5 star hotel, you will need to go closer to Prague city centre.

Other hotels locations on Prague metro line C

The metro line C is by far the fastest way how to get from Chodov Station to the inner city (usually even faster than car or taxi, because the highway is often congested). If you need good access to Chodov, but want to stay closer to Prague centre, it is best to find a hotel near one of the metro stations on line C. The stations with the best accommodation options are:

Booking Prague Chodov Station hotels

Many Prague hotels are often fully booked. It is recommended to book accommodation in advance, especially when you are not flexible with dates of stay in Prague.

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