Hotels near St. Nicholas Church in Prague Lesser Quarter

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Book a hotel close to Saint Nicholas Church now

If you are looking for hotels near St. Nicholas Church at Old Town Square (there are two churches of St. Nicholas in Prague city centre), see hotels at Prague Old Town Square.

If you are looking for hotels near St. Nicholas Church in Lesser Quarter (Mala Strana), use the links below:

Saint Nicholas Church in Prague Lesser Quarter

Saint Nicholas Church (also spelled St. Nicolas; Chram Svateho Mikulase or Svaty Mikulas in Czech) is located in the middle of Malostranske Namesti (Lesser Quarter Square) in Mala Strana (Lesser Quarter), right under Prague Castle, which is some 5 minutes (uphill) walk away. The church is directly on the main tourist path between Charles Bridge and Prague Castle (Charles Bridge is the fastest connection to the Old Town).

Hotels near Nicholas Church in Lesser Quarter

Lesser Quarter, which is a bit quieter, but equally charming as the Old Town, is a very popular hotel district. Most hotels are concentrated around the main tourist path between Charles Bridge and Prague Castle (Mostecka Street, Malostranske Namesti – the square with St. Nicolas Church and also with tram stop, and Nerudova Street). There are also many hotels in the side streets like Misenska, Drazickeho, or Bretislavova. Most hotels near St. Nicholas Church are 3 star, 4 star, or 5 star hotels (4 star hotels are the most frequent).

Other hotel locations near St. Nicholas Church

The metro station closest to Saint Nicholas Church is Malostranska (next to Valdstejn Garden, 1 tram stop or 5 minutes walk from St. Nicolas Church).

Besides Lesser Quarter and Old Town, another popular place to stay in Prague is Smichov and the area around Andel Metro Station, which is on the other end of Lesser Quarter, 5 tram stops from St. Nicolas Church.

There are also many good hotels near National Theatre and Narodni Trida, on the way from Lesser Quarter to Wenceslas Square.

Prague St. Nicholas Church hotel booking

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