Hotels close to Vysehrad in Prague

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Find a hotel near Vysehrad in Prague

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Vysehrad (High Castle) in Prague

According to a legend, Vysehrad (which means High Castle) was the first settlement in the area that eventually became Prague. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Vysehrad rivalled the nearby Prague Castle as the centre of political power. Today Vysehrad is mainly a tourist attraction with various structures (such as fortifications and gates) dating back to different times and built in different styles. It also contains Slavin National Cemetery, where many remarkable people from Czech history were buried. Vysehrad is situated on a cliff overlooking the Vltava River, south of Prague city centre. The nearest metro station is Vysehrad Station on line C (red).

Hotels close to Prague Vysehrad

Although Vysehrad is among the most popular tourist attractions in Prague, the area around Vysehrad is mostly residential and doesn’t have much tourist infrastructure. One exception is Prague Congress Centre, located next to Vysehrad Metro Station, about 5 minutes walk from Vysehrad Castle. There are several 4 star hotels and one 5 star hotel next to Prague Congress Centre (here you can see more details about hotels near Prague Congress Centre). There are also a few cheaper hotels in the streets around Vysehrad, but overall, accommodation capacities are quite limited.

Other hotel locations with easy access to Vysehrad

For more accommodation options, it is best to move to the city centre (2 stops by metro from Vysehrad). Popular hotel locations in Prague city centre include Wenceslas Square (the main square), Prague Old Town (the main historical district), and Lesser Quarter (another historical district, near Prague Castle).

Prague Vysehrad hotel booking

Keep in mind that hotel capacities are very limited near Vysehrad and accommodation demand tends to spike due to various events at Prague Congress Centre. Book your hotel early, especially if you are less flexible with dates.

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