Hotels near Prague Congress Centre

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Prague Congress Centre basic info and location

The primary venue for big conferences, forums, conventions, and corporate events in Prague is Prague Congress Centre (Kongresove Centrum Praha). It has hosted top-level events of organizations such as International Monetary Fund, NATO, or European Union. Prague Congress Centre is located on a hill overlooking Nusle Valley, not far from Prague city centre. The metro station next to Prague Congress Centre is Vysehrad on line C.

Hotels near Prague Congress Centre

The obvious choice for many Congress Centre visitors is the landmark 5 star hotel immediately next to the Congress Centre and Vysehrad Metro Station, Corinthia Prague Hotel. Besides the proximity and comfort, this hotel offers amazing views of Prague, because it is a tall tower built on a hill.

Other hotels within comfortable walking distance from Prague Congress Centre are the 4 star hotels Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre, Rezidence Vysehrad, and Hotel Coronet. All these hotels are within 300 metres from the Congress Centre building.

If you are looking for cheap accommodation, there are a few 3 star or 2 star hotels and pensions in the quiet streets between the Congress Centre and Vysehrad (the castle, not the metro station).

Other popular hotel locations near Prague Congress Centre

More hotels are available in Prague city centre, which is only 2 metro stops from the Congress Centre – Muzeum Station is located at the top end of Wenceslas Square, the main square in Prague. From Muzeum, it is about 15 minutes walk or 1 or 2 metro stops to Prague Old Town (metro stations Mustek and Staromestska), which is the primary tourist district with the highest concentration of hotels.

Prague Congress Centre hotel booking

Demand for accommodation near Prague Congress Centre fluctuates and hotels can be sold out long in advance for an upcoming event. It is highly recommended to book accommodation early.

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