Hotels near Prague Stvanice Island

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Prague Stvanice Island and sports centre

Stvanice Island (Ostrov Stvanice) is situated in the Vltava River between the districts of Karlin and Holesovice in Prague city centre. Stvanice is mainly known as a sports and recreational area. There are many sports facilities, including a world-class canoe slalom course and a tennis venue, which hosts Prague Open tennis tournaments. Stvanice Island also used to be the location of the legendary (and recently demolished) Stvanice Ice Hockey Stadium.

Hotels near Prague Stvanice Island

You won’t find hotels directly on Stvanice Island, but there are many accommodation options available on both sides of the river. HLavkuv Most (Hlavek Bridge) connects Stvanice with the district of Karlin and Holesovice. There is much higher concentration of hotels near Florenc Station (in Karlin, city centre side) than in Holesovice (the other side of the river, around Vltavska Metro Station).

Other popular hotel areas near Stvanice

Stvanice is also relatively close to the historical centre of Prague – it is about 20 minutes walk to the Old Town. Both Vltavska and Florenc, the two nearest metro stations, have frequent metro and tram connections to all the popular tourist and hotel locations, including Wenceslas Square (great nightlife), Namesti Republiky (many 5 star hotels), or Narodni Street with National Theatre.

Prague Stvanice hotel booking

Book your hotel early – many hotels in Prague city centre are often fully booked. This is especially true if you want to stay close to Stvanice Island during the time of big sports events.

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