Hotels near Vltavska Metro Station in Prague

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Vltavska metro station in Prague

Vltavska metro station is located in the southern part of Holesovice (a district of Prague), just across the Vltava River from the Florenc area and Prague inner city. It is an important public transport junction with many tram lines to all directions.

The area around Vltavska offers good views of Prague’s city centre and the Vltava River, which gave its name to the metro station (the English translation would literally be Vltava River Station).

Streets and places close to Vltavska Station

Important streets near Vltavska Station include Bubenska Street, Bubenske Nabrezi, Argentinska Street, Nabrezi Kapitana Jarose, and Hlavkuv Most (Hlavek Bridge). There is an island in the Vltava River between Vltavska Station and Florenc, named Stvanice. Stvanice Island is a well-known sports site.

Hotels near Vltavska Station

Most hotels are located at the Florenc side of the river, but the connection is easy (1 metro stop to Florenc Station, or 1 tram stop, or just an easy walk over the bridge). You can choose from hotels of all possible price and quality levels, from budget hotels and hostels to 5 star luxury hotels (such as Prague Hilton, situated at the bank of the Vltava River).

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