Hotels near Powder Gate (Powder Tower) in Prague

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Powder Gate (Powder Tower) in Prague

Powder Gate (Prasna Brana in Czech; also called Powder Tower) is a well-preserved Gothic tower at the border of Prague Old Town – it used to be one of the city gates in the past. It is located next to Prague Municipal House, facing the building of Czech National Bank and Hybernia Theatre. Powder Gate is close to Namesti Republiky (Republic Square) and Na Prikope Street. The street that goes from Old Town Square to Powder Gate is Celetna Street.

Hotels close to Prague Powder Gate

Namesti Republiky and the surrounding streets represent one of the most exclusive hotel districts in Prague. There are several 5 star hotels very close to Power Gate (e.g. in Kralodvorska Street or V Celnici Street). You will also find many good 4 star and 3 star hotels around Powder Gate, especially between Powder Gate and Old Town Square.

Other popular hotel areas near Powder Gate

Hotels at Mustek and Wenceslas Square

The shopping street Na Prikope takes you from Powder Gate to Mustek in about 5 minutes. To many people Mustek is the real centre of Prague, as it is located between two Prague’s most important squares – already mentioned Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square, the centre of modern Prague with many hotels, restaurants, and bars.

Hotels around Florenc

Another good hotel area near Powder Gate is Florenc. It is slightly outside the main tourist centre of Prague (10 minutes walk from Powder Gate) and has several cheap hotels and quiet family-run hotels (but there are also a few 5 star hotels near Florenc). The streets around Florenc are much better as hotel locations as Florenc itself, because Florenc is a busy transport hub and can be quite noisy during the peak hours.

Prague Powder Gate hotel booking

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