Hotels near Petrin Hill and Tower in Prague

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Prague Petrin Hill and Petrin Lookout Tower

Petrin Hill may not be the best known landmark of Prague, but it’s hard to overlook. Petrin is the green hill next to Prague Castle and an integral part of Prague panorama. All of Petrin Hill is covered with a park. At the top of Petrin, there is a lookout tower, designed as a smaller version of Eiffel Tower. You can get to the top of Petrin Hill by the Petrin Funicular, which has its bottom station in Ujezd in Prague Lesser Quarter. Petrin is within walking distance from many other tourist attractions, including Prague Castle, Lesser Quarter, Infant Jesus of Prague, National Theatre, or Charles Bridge.

Hotels near Petrin Hill in Prague

You won’t find hotels at the top of Petrin Hill, but there are many hotels near Petrin funicular bottom station in Lesser Quarter. Most hotels are situated directly in the main street with trams – the street’s name from Lesser Quarter to Andel is Karmelitska, then Ujezd, and eventually Stefanikova. Several good hotels can also be found in the side streets (e.g. Hellichova Street, Plaska Street, Melnicka Street, or Holeckova Street). There are also a few hotels on the other side of Petrin Hill, near Strahov Monastery and Prague Castle.

Other hotel locations near Petrin

The two metro stations closest to Petrin Hill are both excellent and very popular hotel locations. Malostranska Station (on metro line A) is located in the heart of Lesser Quarter near most of the landmarks including Charles Bridge and Prague Castle.

On the other side of Petrin there is Andel Station (metro line B), situated in an area with many shops, restaurants, bars, and hotels (but this area is far less touristy than Lesser Quarter and you will meet mostly locals here – which often has a positive effect on prices).

Other popular hotel locations near Petrin Hill are National Theatre and the prime hotel and tourist area in Prague – Old Town.

Prague Petrin hotel booking

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