Hotels near Depo Hostivar Metro Station in Prague

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Depo Hostivar Station

Depo Hostivar (Hostivar Depot) is the terminal station of Prague metro line A. It is located in Sazecska Street and very close to a bigger street, Cernokostelecka. Depo Hostivar serves as a public transport hub for the nearby districts of Strasnice, Hostivar, Malesice, and Sterboholy.

Hotels close to Depo Hostivar Station

Depo Hostivar Station is far away from Prague city centre and there is very little tourist infrastructure. There are very few hotels close to Depo Hostivar Station. You can find several good hotels in the nearby Strasnice district, but these hotels are actually closer to other stations on metro line A, namely Skalka (1 stop from Depo Hostivar) or Strasnicka Station (2 stops).

Other hotel locations on metro line A close to Hostivar

There are far more hotels near the stations located closer to Prague city centre. A good hotel location is Flora Station, 4 metro stops (7 minutes) from Depo Hostivar. The best stations for accommodation, and also for public transport connections, are Muzeum Station and Mustek Station in the city centre. There are also dozens of hotels near Staromestska (Old Town) Station, though these hotels can have a bit higher prices compared to other Prague locations.

Booking Depo Hostivar Station hotels

Due to the limited accommodation capacitites near Depo Hostivar and outside Prague city centre, it is important to book your hotel well in advance. In Prague inner city, advance booking is strongly recommended in summer, around Christmas, and on several other holidays and events throughout the year.

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