Hotels near Flora Metro Station in Prague

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Prague Flora Station

Flora Station on metro line A is located at the intersection of Vinohradska Street and Jicinska Street in Prague Vinohrady / Olsany district. Other major streets close to Flora Station are Korunni and Slezska Street. There is a big shopping centre at Flora Metro Station, named Palac Flora. Important places near Flora Station include Olsany Cemetery, Olsanske Namesti, Zizkov TV Tower, and Vinohrady Hospital.

Hotels close to Flora Station and Olsanske Namesti

Although the density of hotels is considerably lower near Flora Station compared to the Old Town or Wenceslas Square, you can find several hotels scattered in the streets close to Flora Station. The places with the most hotels are Olsanske Namesti and Vinohradska Street.

Hotels on Prague metro line A: Flora Station and city centre

If you want to choose from a wider range of accommodation options, it is better to go closer to the city centre. You can get from Flora Station to Muzeum Station (the upper end of Wenceslas Square) in 5 minutes (3 stops by metro line A or 5 stops by tram number 11). Staromestska Station in Prague Old Town is only 5 stops from Flora Station. The station before Muzeum is Namesti Miru (2 stops from Flora Station), which also has a high number of hotels.

Booking hotels near Flora Station

Note that accommodation capacities near Flora Station are limited. Book your hotel in advance to get your preferred hotel and room at a favourable rate. The demand for hotels in Prague is at its highest during the summer tourist season, but makes short term spikes throughout the year due to various events and holidays.

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