Prague Time

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Prague time zone

The time zone of Prague and the whole Czech Republic is GMT+1, the same as most other European countries including Germany, France, or Italy.

Prague time difference vs. other places

See examples how you should move your watch if you are coming from selected places in the world:

  • Japan, Korea: 8 hours backward (7 in summer)
  • China: 7 hours backward (6 in summer)
  • West of Russia (Moscow): 2 hours backward
  • Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey: 1 hour backward
  • UK, Ireland, Portugal: 1 hour forward
  • US east coast (New York): 6 hours forward
  • US west coast (LA): 9 hours forward

Apologies to citizens of countries and regions not on this list. Especially in Asia and in the south hemisphere the time difference varies throughout the year due to different treatment of Daylight Saving Time. Here you can find exact time differences for all regions.

Daylight Saving Time in Prague

The Czech Republic uses Daylight Saving Time (DST) like other European countries. The clock goes one hour forward usually in the end of March and then one hour back usually in the end of October. Therefore in summer it seems that the sun goes down later in the evening in Prague.

Sunrise and sunset time in Prague

The Czech Republic lies around the 50th parallel (Prague is located almost exactly on the 50th). As a result, the difference between daylight in summer and daylight in winter is quite significant (though not as extreme as in Scandinavia).

The day is longest in June, when the sun goes up before 5 o’clock in the morning and it goes down at about quarter past nine in the evening (Daylight Saving Time). On the opposite end in December the sun goes up few minutes after 8 in the morning and it goes down around 4 in the afternoon (there is no DST in winter).

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