Hotels near Prague Motol Hospital

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Motol Hospitals in Prague

Prague Motol Hospital (Fakultni Nemocnice v Motole or FN Motol) is the largest healthcare facility in the Czech Republic. There are in fact two hospitals adjacent to one another – besides the large Motol Hospital there is also Prague Homolka Hospital (Nemocnice na Homolce). While FN Motol Hospital covers all medical departments, Homolka Hospital focuses primarily on cardiovascular and neurological-neurosurgical issues.

Location of Prague Motol Hospitals

The hospitals are located between Kuklova and Plzenska streets in Motol, which is a district west of Prague city centre. The nearest tram stops are Motol (in Plzenska Street) and Vypich (in Belohorska Street next to Ladronka Park). It takes about 15-20 minutes by tram from Motol to Prague city centre. There is a metro station under construction next to Motol Hospital.

Hotels near Motol Hospital in Prague

The concentration of hotels in Motol is considerably lower than in the tourist districts in Prague city centre, but you can find several hotels within easy walking distance from Motol Hospital (most of them are 3 star hotels). The hotels in Motol tend to be concentrated in the big streets (especially Plzenska and Belohorska).

Other hotel locations near Prague Motol Hospital

A wider selection of accommodation can of course be found in Prague city centre. Popular hotel locations with good public transport connections from Motol Hospitals include particularly Andel (at the other end of Plzenska Street; direct tram connection from Motol) or Lesser Quarter and the surroundings of Prague Castle (direct tram connection from Vypich; direct metro connection from Motol to Malostranska Station from 2013/2014 on).

Prague Motol Hospital hotel booking

Given the relatively low accommodation capacities in Motol, it is advisable to book hotels enough in advance, particularly if you are not flexible with dates. In Prague city centre (especially Lesser Quarter, Old Town, and other tourist areas) hotel demand tends to spike in summer and around major holidays.

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