Bus from Prague to Dresden

Eurolines Bus from Prague to Dresden

Eurolines operate a direct bus from Prague to Dresden. There are at least 2 buses per day in each direction. Travel time from Prague to Dresden is 2 hours; the distance is 160 km. All the connections listed on this page are served by modern buses with free wireless internet and more legroom.

Prague to Dresden Bus Timetable

Prague to Dresden

Departure from Prague (Praha-Florenc Bus Station, metro B and C) at 9:00 and 18:00 daily.
The bus stops in Usti nad Labem (Mala Hradebni) at 10:15 and 19:15.
Arrival to Dresden (Hauptbahnhof, Bayerische Strasse) is at 11:00 and 20:00.
From Dresden the buses continue to Berlin.
There are additional connections on some days (other lines, e.g. Prague-Hamburg).

Dresden to Prague

Here you can see the schedule from Dresden to Prague.

Bus from Prague to Dresden Ticket Prices

One-way ticket from Prague to Dresden costs CZK 450. If you book early, you may get a huge discount (so called “promo-price” which start at about 50% the regular price).

All usual Eurolines discounts for students, children, and seniors are valid on buses from Prague to Dresden.

Baggage Allowance

Hand baggage and two pieces of hold luggage (to be put into the cargo area at the bottom of the bus) per passenger are free of charge.

The information on this page is based on Eurolines timetable valid from 1.11.2011 to 31.3.2012. For up-to-date information and detailed conditions of carriage, please visit the official website of Eurolines.

Topics: Prague by Bus,