Bus from Dresden to Prague

Bus Dresden – Prague

There are at least 2 direct buses from Dresden to Prague every day (more on some days). The buses are operated by Eurolines, the European long-distance bus alliance. Travel by bus from Dresden to Prague takes 2 hours and there is only one stop on the way (Usti nad Labem). The distance is 160 km. The connections listed on this page are served by modern buses with more legroom and free WiFi internet.

Bus from Dresden to Prague Schedule

Dresden to Prague

The bus departs from Dresden Hauptbahnhof, Bayerische Strasse, at 10:00 and 17:30 daily.
It stops in Usti nad Labem – Mala Hradebni at 10:45 and 18:15.
The bus arrives at Prague Florenc Central Bus Station at 12:00 and 19:45, respectively.
Some buses continue from Prague to Brno.
On some days there are additional connections (as part of other Eurolines bus lines, e.g. Hamburg to Prague).

Prague to Dresden

For timetable in the other direction, please see Bus from Prague to Dresden.

Dresden to Prague Bus Prices and Discounts

Regular one-way ticket from Dresden to Prague costs CZK 450, but you can get a significantly lower price (from about 50% regular price) if you book longer in advance.

Permanent discounts apply to students, seniors, and children. Children must travel with an adult.

Dresden Prague Bus Baggage Allowance

Hand baggage plus 2 pieces of hold luggage per passenger are for free.

The schedule and prices stated here are valid from 1.11.2011 to 31.3.2012. For up-to-date information and more details, please visit the official website of Eurolines.

Topics: Prague by Bus,