Hotels near Hloubetin Metro Station in Prague

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Hloubetin Station in Prague

Hloubetin Metro Station (on line B) is located in Podebradska Street in the north-eastern part of Prague in Hloubetin district. Other major streets near Hloubetin Station are Prumyslova, Kbelska, Mochovska, and Klanovicka Street. There is a big sports centre close to Hloubetin Station (at Namesti ve Starem Hloubetine and Hloubetinska Street).

Hotels close to Hloubetin Metro Station

The number of hotels in Hloubetin is not high, as the district is far from the city centre and doesn’t have many tourist attractions itself. There are a few hotels close to Hloubetin Metro Stationsee the hotels map by clicking on the link below. You can sort the hotels by distance from Hloubetin Station, price, number of stars, or review rating.

More hotels on metro line B close to Hloubetin

Some other stations closer to Prague city centre have far better selection of hotels. The closest to Hloubetin Station with several good hotels is Ceskomoravska Station (3 stops away). The best for accommodation are the stations in the inner city, particularly Florenc, Namesti Republiky, or Mustek Station. These stations are about 12-15 minutes by metro from Hloubetin.

Prague Hloubetin Station hotel booking

Keep in mind that hotel capacities are very limited near Hloubetin Station. It is advisable to book early, especially when you are not flexible with dates.

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