Getting Luxury 5 Star Prague Hotels For Less

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Luxury hotels in Prague

The words luxury hotel conjures up an image of opulent rooms that can only be booked by celebrities and politicians. In fact, in the great city of Prague “luxury” is not limited to film stars and members of government – it is very easy nowadays for the ordinary traveller to spend a minimal amount of money and still get a room at the best 5 star Prague hotels. By following the tips noted below, you can bag yourself a bargain and stay in many of the great luxury Prague hotels without breaking the bank.

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Check which airlines have packages including luxury hotels Prague

Several large names in the airline world have regular deals with Prague 5 star hotels. This means that when you book your flight and hotel together as a package, you can get a room at a luxury hotel included in the cost. If 5 star Prague hotels still seem a bit too expensive for your budget, then try 3 star Prague hotels or 4 star Prague hotels instead. There are many kinds of these hotels to choose from in the city, both in the centre and on the outskirts.

Search 4 star hotels in Prague

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Use frequent flyer points instead of cash to book

If you have a credit card or loyalty card you may be in receipt of frequent flyer points or membership points. If you have a substantial amount of points available you can actually use them to book 5 star Prague hotels, saving your cash for spending money or for your flights. Contact your credit card issuer or the company you accrue frequent flyer points with to see what offers they have in conjunction with different luxury Prague hotels.

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Opt for 3 star Prague hotels when budget is tight

If you are still watching the pennies and 4 star or 5 star Prague hotels are just out of your budget range, then you can still experience a first class service by booking 3 star Prague hotels instead. There are more 3 star and 4 star hotels in Prague than any other type of accommodation and so it is easy to find one that has great facilities and service for a reasonable cost.

Search 4 star hotels in Prague

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