Hotels near Prague Na Knizeci Station

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Na Knizeci or Andel Station in Prague

Don’t get confused by the different station names. Na Knizeci is the name of the street and the name of the big bus station. The metro station situated under the bus station is named Andel (historical name of the area).

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Hotels near Andel (or Na Knizeci) Station: why stay here

The area near Na Knizeci Bus Station is not the most typical place where people search hotels in Prague, but there are several good hotels here and staying here has several advantages:

  • Room rates are often lower than in the Old Town.
  • Public transport access is better than in some parts of the Old Town. For example, the bus from Prague to Cesky Krumlov departs from Na Knizeci. Cesky Krumlov is a medieval town and a typical day trip for Prague visitors.
  • Na Knizeci is close to Lesser Quarter and Prague Castle. You can take a tram to get to the Charles Bridge in 6-8 minutes or you can walk through the Lesser Quarter, which besides the Old Town is the most picturesque part of Prague.

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Na Knizeci in Prague: good for shopping

Na Knizeci (Andel) Station is one of the best shopping locations for people living in Prague. There is a big shopping centre with a multiplex and many smaller shops. There are many restaurants of different styles (from classical Czech beer pubs to upscale wine bars). There are also several good clubs (don’t worry about noise, the clubs are underground and you don’t hear anything in the street).

Other good hotel locations near Na Knizeci in Prague

A very popular place to stay located just a short walk from Na Knizeci Station is Lesser Quarter (Mala Strana in Czech). There are many old style hotels here, mostly in renovated old houses or palaces. Lesser Quarter is a perfect place for exploring Prague’s top tourist attractions, because it is located between Prague Castle and the Old Town, just next to the Charles Bridge. Lesser Quarter is also a much quieter area than the Old Town.

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