Hotels near Prague Florenc Bus Station

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Prague Florenc Bus Station

Florenc Station is the main international bus terminal in Prague. Most long-distance buses operated by the biggest bus companies terminate at Florenc in Prague. Florenc is also one of the busiest stations in Prague’s local transport network with 2 metro lines and several tram and bus lines.

Florenc as a hotel district in Prague

The area near Florenc Bus Station is a very popular hotel site, because its location is perfect both in terms of proximity to the Old Town (10-15 minutes walk) and public transport access to other parts of Prague. In spite of the small distance to the heart of Prague, room prices are considerably lower in Florenc hotels compared to the Old Town.

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The best hotels near Prague Florenc Bus Station

There are many hotels of various price and quality levels within 5 minutes walk from Florenc Station. Most of them are in the 4 star or 3 star categories, but you will also find a few luxury hotels (such as Hilton Prague, voted the best hotel in the Czech Republic 2 times) and a few budget hotels (from 25-30 EUR/night up).

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Other hotel areas near Florenc Station

If you can’t choose from the selection of hotels in close proximity to Florenc Bus Station, there are other hotel districts nearby. V Celnici Street near Masaryk Train Station is the address of 5 star hotels like Prague Marriott or Hilton Prague Old Town (yes, there are 2 Hiltons within 5-10 minutes walk from Florenc). Another good hotel location is Namesti Republiky at the edge of the Old Town (Namesti Republiky is the square with the well-known Municipal House).

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Hotels in Prague Old Town

If you want to enjoy the Old Prague atmosphere to the fullest, you can choose a hotel in one of the narrow medieval streets in the Old Town (Why not stay directly at the Old Town Square?). Besides overpriced palace-type hotels, there are a few good 4 star hotels at reasonable prices in Prague Old Town.

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