Eurolines Bus from Brussels to Prague

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Direct bus connection between Brussels and Prague

There is a direct bus connection from Brussels to Prague. It is operated by Eurolines, the large pan-European bus network, as part of the bus line Brno-Praha-Frankfurt-Brussels-Lille. In Belgium the buses stop in Gent, Antwerpen, Brussels, and Liege. In the Czech Republic, the buses stop in Plzen, Prague, and Brno.

Bus stations in Brussels and Prague

In Brussels the buses to Prague depart from Gare du Nord. In Prague they arrive at the international bus station Praha-Florenc.

How long it takes to travel from Brussels to Prague by bus

The bus travel from Brussels to Prague takes approximately 13-14 hours. The buses usually go overnight: you leave Brussels late in the afternoon and arrive to Prague early in the morning the following day. The buses are very comfortable and most people don’t have problems sleeping in the bus at night (maybe except for the short part in Belgium, where there are lights all the way along highways).

During the high summer season there is one pair of buses every day between Brussels and Prague. In other parts of the year there are 4 pairs of buses per week. You can see the current detailed schedule between Brussels and Prague on the website of Eurolines.

Brussels Prague bus prices and ticket booking

One-way price from Brussels to Prague is about EUR 70-80. You can save money if you book return ticket. There are also discounts for students, seniors, and children. The bus ticket price includes free pieces of luggage and free services on board (for example drinks and newspapers). If you are flexible with dates and book early, you may get the lowest possible exceptional “promo” price, which goes as low as EUR 40 one-way.

Book bus tickets from Brussels to Prague now

Details regarding bus ticket prices and schedule can change over time. For updated information visit the carrier’s website.

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