Bus from Prague to Bratislava

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Travel from Prague to Bratislava by bus

Bus is the best kind of transport between Prague and Bratislava for most travellers (you can see comparison of bus vs. train vs. plane when travelling between Prague and Bratislava). Prague and Bratislava are connected by a highway which used to be the main road in the former Czechoslovakia.

There are several bus companies operating buses between Prague and Bratislava. Among the biggest and cheapest bus operators on this route are Student Agency and Eurolines.

Prague to Bratislava bus schedule and travel time

Both these operators offer several pairs of buses every day between Prague and Bratislava. The buses usually also stop in Brno, which is the second biggest Czech city, though it is closer to Bratislava than to Prague.

Travel time by bus from Prague to Bratislava is a little over 4 hours. You can find buses departing from early in the morning up to evening hours. Exact bus schedule can be found on the official website.

Bus from Prague to Bratislava ticket prices and booking

The quality of buses is outstanding and prices are low thanks to the tough competition between bus operators. One-way ticket from Prague to Bratislava costs about EUR 15. There are discounts on return tickets, as well as discounts for students, children, and elderly people.

Booking in advance is highly recommended, especially if you want to travel during peak days and hours (e.g. Monday morning and Friday evening in both directions). You can book bus tickets directly with Eurolines on their website.

Prague Florenc bus terminal

In Prague Eurolines buses to Bratislava depart from the international bus station Praha Florenc. Florenc Station is located in the eastern part of central Prague, approximately 20 minutes walking distance from the Old Town Square. There is excellent public transport coverage (metro lines B and C, trams, and buses), as well as taxi stands and parking. Some of Prague’s best hotels are also situated near Florenc Station.

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Bratislava Mlynske Nivy Bus Station

Buses from Prague arrive at the international bus station Mlynske Nivy in Bratislava. The bus terminal is located in the eastern part of Bratislava city centre, about 15 minutes walk from Old Town Hall.

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