Bus from Minsk and Grodno to Prague

Direct bus connection between Belarus and Prague

There is a direct bus line operated by the bus network Eurolines, which connects Czech capital Prague with Minsk, the capital of Belarus. In Belarus the bus also stops in Lida and Grodno. The bus crosses Poland on its way and stops in Bialystok, Warsaw, Lodz, and Wroclaw.

Bus from Minsk to Prague timetable and travel time

The journey from Minsk to Prague takes about 23 hours. From Lida to Prague it is about 20.5 hours and from Grodno to Prague it is 17.5 hours. There are usually two or three pairs of buses per week. Usual time of departure both from Minsk and Prague is around noon (see Eurolines website for details).

Minsk to Prague bus tickets and booking

It is highly recommended to book tickets online in advance. One way ticket from Minsk to Prague costs approximately EUR 60-70. Before you go with this bus, make sure that you have all necessary travel documents (passport and visa).

Note that schedules and prices are subject to change and Prag Prague can’t guarantee accuracy of this information. Go to Eurolines website to see current timetable and exact prices and book bus tickets to Prague online.

Praha Florenc bus station

Buses from Belarus arrive at Prague long distance bus station Florenc. Florenc is located close to the city centre and close to many hotels. It has excellent public transport coverage. There are metro lines B and C and several bus and tram lines. Taxi stand can be found next to the terminal building.

Getting to Prague Ruzyne Airport

To get from Florenc bus station to Prague International Airport in Ruzyne take the metro to Dejvicka station and then take bus 119. See detailed directions.

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