Eurolines Bus from Beograd to Prague

Travel from Serbia to Prague with Eurolines

Eurolines (the European bus network) operate a bus connection between Serbia and the Czech Republic. In Serbia the bus starts in Beograd and stops in Novi Sad. In the Czech Republic the bus stops in Brno before it arrives to Prague. Note that you need a valid passport to travel with this bus.

Duration and timetable Beograd – Prague

According to the schedule the travel time between Beograd and Prague is 17.5 hours. It is about one hour less from Novi Sad and about 2.5 hours less to Brno. There are usually two buses per week in each direction.

Beograd to Prague bus tickets and booking

It is recommended to book tickets in advance. The price of a one-way ticket from Beograd to Prague is about EUR 50.

Note that schedules and prices are subject to change and Prag Prague can’t guarantee accuracy of this information. Go to Eurolines Serbia website to see current timetable and contact details for Prague bus price enquiries and ticket reservation.

Praha Florenc bus terminal

Buses from Serbia arrive at Prague international bus terminal Florenc, located close to the city centre (about 15 minutes walk from the Old Town Square). Florenc station is an important public transport hub and has excellent connections to all parts of Prague and its surroundings. There are two metro lines (B and C) and several tram and bus lines.

Getting to Prague International Airport

If you need to get from Florenc bus station to Prague International Airport in Ruzyne take the metro to Dejvicka station and then take bus 119. See detailed directions.

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